Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hangout Day

Hey it's Deborah! And I want to show you guys some pictures I took yesterday of my class. I can't believe my senior friends are graduating less than TWO MONTHS. And I will be graduating in an year. How crazy is that?

So this post is dedicated to first period Digital Photography Class and I hope everyone will enjoy the memories we all had in this class.

Samuel Sze the Invisible Man

Michael Shen the Invisible Man

Samuel, Irene, and Sharon

The Paparazzi Crowd

The Seniors!

1, 2, 3

The Walk to a New Road

Samuel walking beside the Mural

Original Pictures

 Camera Raw edits:
Decrease the highlights, cropped the image, and increase the shadow to bring out Samuel's shadow and body on the white sheet.

F/stop: f/3.9
Exposure: 1/160 sec
ISO speed: ISO-125

                                                         Camera Raw edits:
                        Cropped the image, increased the                                             exposure, contrast, highlights, and shadows.

                                                       F/stop: f/3.9
                                                       Exposure: 1/100 sec
                                                       ISO speed: ISO-125

Camera Raw edits:
Decrease the exposure, highlights and white portion. Then I increase the shadow and black in attempt to remove the glare in the background.

F-stop: f/4.4
Exposure time: 1/20 sec
ISO speed: ISO-200
Camera Raw edits:
I cropped the image to only include the girls and tried to decrease the exposure to remove the glare from the sky. I also increase the shadow and decrease the highlights too.

F-stop: f/4
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec
ISO-speed: ISO-125
 Camera Raw edits:
I cropped the image, increased the exposure a bit and adjust the black vs. white levels.

F-stop: f/4.4
Exposure time: 1/125 sec
ISO-speed: ISO-125
 Camera Raw edits:
I cropped the image to make it more straight. Then I adjust the exposure level and decrease the highlights to remove the glare. Then I increase the shadow effect so one can see their faces clearer.

F-spot: f/3.9
Exposure time: 1/250 sec
ISO speed: ISO-220

Camera Raw edits:
I cropped the image and increased the exposure.
Then I increased the highlights and the shadows
to bring out the seniors.

F-stop: 4.4
Exposure time: 1/250 sec
ISO-speed: ISO-140

                                                                                         Camera Raw edits: 
                                                                               I cropped the image to show Samuel with the mural                                                                                only. Then I increased the exposure, highlights, and                                                                               shadow content. I slightly adjusted the saturation                                                                                      color to bring out the colors of the mural. 

                                                                                F-stop: f/4.1
                                                                                Exposure: 1/250 sec
                                                                                ISO-speed: ISO-560

Thursday, April 23, 2015

About Me

Hey guys!
        In case you don't know, I made a "About Me" page in the blog. For clarity, I am making this post and it's also my homework assignment to do so. Another part of my assignment is to post your best picture and have other photographer's about me websites.

I showed this picture in class today when everyone showed their best picture, and this is the third time I post this picture in my blog. Let's see if you can find all three of them.

And I researched some other photographer's about me pages. Here are some.
Deborah Chen Photography   (It's not mine. I just want to see if there were people with my name and interest)
George Lenta Photography  ( He's my friend who is currently in Florida. Hi George!)
Patrick Zephyr Nature Photography
Wes David Photography
Dan Estabrook

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Hello everyone! 
         You know that I have been taking pictures for a long time, a really long time. 
   Well I have decided to use my talents and show you how amazing this world can be, despite the negative aspects of our lives.

          I'm going to write poetry about life, especially to those who are struggling with life itself. 

"Fiction becomes reality"
-Shell (by Wong Fu Productions)

Remember that you can never be replace,
  that you're never a problem or a burden.
Someone always care about you
  and you may be surprised who does.
Keep smiling 
 for not only your smile brings joy to you 
 but also to many people.

Light is always around us
Whether or not we believe it's there
And it is there
Closer than a breath away.
See the world in with open eyes.
Believe the impossible.
Have faith.
Light always penetrates the darkness
And shines in life.

I took those two pictures at church on Easter day/ my Baptism day on April 5, 2015.

We can chose to be on the road or in the sky.

"Take to the Sky"
-Owl City

The water flows in you
(referring to "The River Flows in You")

Flowers Around Me

Hello people!

      For those are missing my botany related posts, I'm currently working on my succulent one. In the meanwhile, enjoy these flowers I saw during the last two weeks. Right now most of the plants and flowers are blooming and it's just gorgeous and beautiful to seem them. Just like life itself.

Red Hot Poker plants at the Stanford University


Pink Rose at the Washington Hospital

More flowers at the Stanford University
(I do not know the name of them)

Yellow roses at the Washington Hospital

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Multicultural week- Pho

      Throughout the week, my fellow officers, Joshua Xian, Claudia Shao, Lucille Njoo and Derek Bai, and I set up the place to sell the pho.

While we were waiting for Daniel Jean to pick up the pho from Minh's Vietnamese Restaurant, we set up the table, placed poster and tape a trash bag.

I then asked him if I may take a picture of him and he posed as by pretending he is going to squirt Srirachi sauce into his mouth.

Then Daniel arrived with the pho and we all went to his car to pick them up.

I arranged the bowl and the hot soup in this order to display our food to the customers.

When we were selling the pho, Mr. Vierk our club adviser came over to buy some, which made us all happy!

 Pretty soon we sold out and pack up the booth after fifteenth minutes of selling. Then we enjoy the day!

Original Pictures
Camera Raw edits: I cropped the image, decrease the highlights, and increase the shadows.

Camera Raw edits: I increased the contrast, exposure and saturation and cropped the image a bit.

Camera Raw edits: I cropped the image, increase the shadow, and adjust the contrast levels. 

Camera Raw edits: I decrease the shadow, highlights and exposure and I cropped the image to only include the pho.

Camera edits: I cropped the image, increase the contrast levels and exposure.

Camera Raw edits: I cropped the image, increase the saturation and black levels.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring Break Pictures!

Hello people!
    I bet you thought I might post some pictures over Spring Break  because I tend to take a lot of pictures whenever I have free time. Well, I kinda have free time but with AP studying and other work, I was not able to edit them. But now I can and here are some of them from a walk with my mother. Enjoy!

A Japanese-styled garden.

Don't worry. I have the owner's permission to take pictures of her garden. 

Besides, the sunset makes everything looks even more beautiful.

The Sunset

A shiatsu...I think. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Multicultural Week- Near the end

Hello people!
       From my last post about Multicultural Week, I wrote about being in charge of the Youth Alive booth. Well yesterday was my day off, so I strolled around the horseshoe with five tickets in my hand with some friends of mine. They decided to visit the Green Club booth where the officers and members are selling sherbet ice cream for one ticket per cup. I find it amusing that they are using dish washing gloves to handle the food there because they are the only club to use them. Everyone else has been using disposable gloves, so they are definitely being green. Too bad I didn't buy one...

Camera Raw edits
Contrast, Highlight, Exposure, Shadow and Saturation have been adjusted to a slightly higher level. I also cropped the image to make the image more straight.

Original Pictures
F-stop 1/7.9
Aperture speed: 1/400sec

胖胖貓咪!(aka Fat Cat!)

Hello people!
           I am proud to show you guys this picture I drew on Adobe Illustrator over the past few weeks. I started on March 13, 2015 and finally finished today on April 16, 2015. The main reason it took me so long is because I do not have access to Adobe Illustrator at home, but only at school in my first period class. My inspiration of this picture is when I was walking with my mother around the neighborhood and suddenly a beautiful, orange tabby cat walked up to me and purred around my feet. It was so adorable and I melt down. After a while, the cat jumped onto a car covered by a tarp and it looked like a marshmallow with a cat's head and tail. The balloons in the picture are based by the balloons given by my church friend, Annie, on April 5 for my baptism.

I hope you enjoy the picture and I will see you next time!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Multicultural Week -So Far

Dear anyone who may or already knows about Multicultural week,

     Multicultural week is the week of the year to be immersed in different cultures and buy delicious ( a little pricey) food from the Bay Area. I remembered in Freshmen year I heard about buying food near the Horseshoe and watching amazing performances done by the student body. And to be honest, Multicultural Week is one of my favorite school-wide activities and the closing assembly for it is always the best.
      What makes this year different from last year is that I'm in charge of selling my club Youth Alive's pho (pronounced phuh like "f" and "the" combined) with my fellow officers. I must say from this perspective of being the seller, it is different from being the buyer. And it is hard to be the seller because usually consumers are more picky. But it's fun to serve others their food and interact with different people. When I'm not doing club stuff I then would buy food with my money, staying within twenty dollars for the whole week, and hang out with my friends as they attempt to finish what they have bought. Meanwhile I take wonderful pictures of my friends and just enjoy the lunch hour.

P.S. My club Youth Alive is offering free candy too with purchase. Buy some!
P.S.S If there are churros I will buy them like crazy. Where are the churros?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

From this Lens photo, we see the picture of the trucks, especially the one on the side of the road.

   This picture demonstrates a fast shutter speed because the trucks on the left side of the road are still moving pretty quickly but not as fast as the drivers would when they learned a truck fell down the road on the right. In addition, the picture showed no blurred images of the truck, which indicate the picture was taken with a fast shutter speed.

   The background of the picture emphasizes the trucks on the road, which are the subjects. The details of the background also leads to the the subject like the highway rail leading to the trucks on the road.

   Lines, an Element of Art topic, is clearly shown in this picture with straight lines made from the trucks, road, horizon and the road lane. It creates a dynamic view of geometric shapes and perspective.

   Movement is one of the Principle of Design topic because the picture has leading lines that lead to the center of the picture and the trucks.

P.S. My buddy Michael Shen and Samuel Sze helped me.

And this picture of Mason Farley and Michael Shen running shows movement to.
F-stop f/4.8
Aperture Speed 1/250 sec