Sunday, July 31, 2016

One more month to go.

If you guys are wondering what in the world I have been doing, I would not know how to respond since I'm a private person.

But I like sharing personal stories and pictures.
Yep, I'm a contradictory person. :D
Btw, I got my first DSLR camera. I'm still learning how to take pictures, but trust me. I'' post them all soon. :)

July 10, 2016 Sunday
Indian food at a friend's Indian Classical Music recital. 

July 14-15, 2016 Thursday to Friday

The last CalSo of UCB. Still it was nice to have quinoa salad out in Memorial Glade

Go Bears!
(How can the CalSo leader have such arm strength? The flag is heavy. Opf)

 July 16, 2016 Saturday

Guys, I have a confession. My UCSD beach ball is going to Berkeley, not me.
Jkjkjkjk, picnic at Lake Elizabeth.
As a disclaimer, the beach ball was a free gift. The hat was not.
 July 21, 2016 Thursday
My friend found a baby bird in his hand (who later pooped on me).
We later let it practice flying in the air with its friends, and it was pretty heartwarming to see the bird try every time it fell back on the ground.

 July 26, 2016 Tuesday
My pee results. Nothing bad according to the bottle. Gotta love anatomy class.
Too bad it's ending soon.
 July 31, 2016 Sunday
My first time paddle boating with my friends.
Still I appreciate if they put in a little effort in peddling the boat. Tsk tsk tsk,