Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Lot Can Happened in Three Days

"Hey guys!"-Ryan Higa

If you don't understand the reference, I suggested checking out his Youtube channel called nigahiga.

I honestly thought of that because he noticed that most of his vlogs started with him greeting everyone, "Hey guys!"


If you looked back to my previous blog post on Valentine's Day, I mentioned about my physics project, which took my friend and I three consecutive days.

        Before we presented our project in class, I walked to my friend's home at 7 am to help prepare the project and do a small test run. However, we did not because we did not have enough lemon juice for the test run, and we both were tired beyond belief and took an half  a hour nap before we arrived at school around 8 am. Since our high school has a Wednesday 9 am start day, we hung out in the library where we stored our project and set up an essential component of our project nervously.

We agreed to come back as soon as first period was over, since our physic class was second period. Before our physics class started, we can carried our project outside the classroom and set it up as students passed by. There were a few kinks we ran into: the motor did not move and the tissue full of baking soda was dangling precariously in the wind.

Eventually within the next five minutes, everything was set up the way we wanted it to be (Thank you so much God!). My friend and I displayed our project as my teacher went over the inspections. I flicked the lighter and lit the string hanging the baking soda.
In less than a minute, our project completed its job with flying colors (and lemon juice foam). My friend and I were a bit dazed to realize what happened but felt relieved to see our hard work had paid off. We watched our classmates' energy machines, and we were amazed that only two groups out of thirteen done very well.

Hmmm. I want to include a picture of it, but the picture quality is not what I hope for.
So I include a picture of the prototype. (we removed the oranges and replaced them with a battery pack. :p)

So why did I wrote about it? Because it is nice to celebrate the little accomplishments along the way. Senior year is not going to last long, so I better enjoy my time here.

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