Sunday, November 11, 2018

Point Reyes

Hello everyone!

I recently visited Point Reyes with one of my classes on November 10, 2018 the day after the Camp Fire had started, which explains why the pictures are a bit smoky with an orange haze. Luckily, I brought my N95 mask with me, even though I was amazed that even a pristine area like Point Reyes was covered by the smoke. The trip overall was amazing with stunning scenery and peace, away from the buzz of college. 

Free feel to enjoy the unedited photos I had taken with my D3300.

Mistletoe (the parasite) overtook the tree

A foreboding sky

CA quail- the state bird!! (SO CUTE)

Elephant seal beach approaching

Lonely Dock

Single-file everyone

The boy in the middle is smart to have the mask on


My classmates taking pictures a bit too close to the edge (like me)

Elephant Seals!

U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station
For Information write to Superintendent Washington D.C.
$250 fine or imprisonment for disturbing this mark
1859 1959 Point Reyes East

The many sandpipers and the solo seagull